Clashes along Afghanistan-Pakistan boundary brought under control

A clash between Pakistani and Afghan border forces in Zazi Maidan district in Khost provinces was brought to an end after the Ministry of
Borders and Tribal Affairs stepped in.Reports indicate two Pakistani security posts were destroyed in the clash,Multiple reports also
indicated that at least five Pakistan soldiers, including an officer, and four Afghan border guards had been injured in the
skirmish.Meanwhile, officials from the ministry said Sunday that in the past year they marked a long section of the border with
Pakistan.They said the ministry resolved 304 major conflicts and 525 lesser cases of enmity in this time
Hundreds of people reportedly lost their lives in this time and huge financial losses were incurred.Officials also said border protection is
one of the priorities of this ministry and serious efforts have been made in this sector in the past year.In order to maintain the official
borders, officials said the ministry assessed the boundaries with Iran and Turkmenistan and the disputed Durand Line with Pakistan.Also, in
the past year, the ministry has shared 700 environmental problems with officials of the relevant departments and implemented 400 projects in
this sector.This ministry also conducted research in the fields of agriculture, population, area, livestock and development in eight
provinces of the country.In addition, more than 7,000 people are currently enrolled in the ministry&s colleges.The ministry also provided
cash assistance to a number of nomadic families and has built 100 mobile health teams, 11 clinics and 60 animal treatment centers across the
country.A clash between Afghan and Pakistani security forces has occurred in the Zazi Maidan district of southeastern Khost province,
resulting in casualties on both sides. The post Clashes along Afghanistan-Pakistan boundary brought under control first appeared on Ariana