Draghi's Call: EUR800 Billion to Revive Economy or Risk Europe's Decline

Mario Draghi, the former Italian Prime Minister, has issued a stark warning: Europe must invest heavily or face economic decline.In a
He urges the European Union to modernize and strengthen its economy to compete with rising global powers like the US and China.The
(Photo Internet reproduction)Without action, Europe risks losing its competitive edge in technology and clean energy, sectors where China is
rapidly gaining ground.He highlights the need for strategic trade policies that protect European industries without resorting to broad,
counterproductive tariffs.Additionally, Draghi calls for a coordinated industrial strategy that links decarbonization efforts with economic
He urges the EU to streamline regulations and foster innovation.This approach extends to developing a robust foreign economic policy focused
on securing essential raw materials and technologies
proactive, unified industrial policy that leverages investment in technology and clean energy as catalysts for growth.In short, this is a
critical moment for the EU
It must redefine its economic strategies to remain a significant player on the global stage.