Nigeria’s Kogi Steel Project: A Catalyst for Solid Minerals Sector Revival

prioritize local value addition over raw mineral exports.The project includes an integrated iron ore mine and steel plant with an annual
production capacity of 1.5 million tons of steel
companies exported raw minerals.In addition, the new policy requires applicants for mining licenses to include plans for local processing of
raw minerals.This shift is seen as the best guarantee for youth employment and skills transfer
It will also contribute to an improved trade balance between Nigeria and its trading partners.Minister Alake emphasized that when Nigeria
ore, gold, coal, limestone, and rare earth elements, but their exploitation remains largely artisanal and informal.Challenges and
ProspectsWhile the Kogi Steel project represents a significant step forward, challenges remain in terms of infrastructure, security, and
pivotal role.In short, these projects will attract foreign investment and help structure the industry for sustainable growth.