Team Navalny Accuses Ex-Khodorkovsky Partner of Ordering Hammer Attack on Volkov

Anti-Corruption Foundation (FBK), was attacked with tear gas and a hammer outside his home in Lithuania on March 12
Poland said it arrested three suspects in connection with the assault, with Lithuania saying it suspected Russian special services were
with Nevzlin corroborating the details of the attack on Volkov and two other attacks on exiled opposition members.Team Navalny said Matus
in a democratic country
Or it is an FSB provocation and a fake on which a lot of money has been spent
confidently chooses the first version
enforcement.Team Navalny said it notified the law enforcement agencies of countries where Nevzlin is thought to reside and was ready to hand
Khodorkovsky spent 10 years in jail; Putin expropriated his multi-billion-dollar business
Since 2013, Khodorkovsky was a prominent voice in exile
(Nevzlin fled to Israel in 2003, when Khodorkovsky's empire was under assault from Putin.)," economist and political commentator Konstantin
Sonin wrote on X (formerly Twitter)."What I can say is that @navalny's team has had an impeccable reputation in investigative journalism
With Alexei and then without him, they uncovered many critical episodes of [the Putin regime's] corruption, their influence networks, their
military connections, etc.," he wrote.