[Brazil] - Brazil Raises 2024 GDP Growth Forecast to 3.2%

government now expects the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) to expand by 3.2%, up from the previous estimate of 2.5%.This optimistic outlook
stems from recent economic performance
for 2024 from 3.9% to 4.25%
This increase suggests growing concerns about price stability in the coming year.Brazil Raises 2024 GDP Growth Forecast to 3.2%
inflation expectations for 2025 have inched up from 3.3% to 3.4%
These projections come against a backdrop of recent economic data.In August 2024, Brazil experienced deflation of 0.02%, the first such
occurrence since June 2023
Haddad noted that increased investments could help mitigate inflationary pressures.He highlighted the delicate balance between growth and
price stability
policymakers must balance stimulating growth with controlling inflation
This approach is essential to ensure sustainable economic progress.