Senegal's Political Shakeup: President Faye Dissolves Parliament, Calls for Early Elections

comes just six months after his election victory in March
Faye announced snap legislative elections for November 17, 2024, aiming to secure a parliamentary majority for his party.The dissolution
follows months of tension between the executive and legislative branches
action.In addition, the president seeks to implement his promised reforms and systemic changes
tested as it navigates this political transition
President Faye Dissolves Parliament, Calls for Early Elections
Currently lacking a majority in parliament, they hope to gain the necessary seats to push forward their agenda.However, this includes
anti-corruption measures and economic reforms prioritizing national interests
informal jobs
They accuse him of manipulating institutions for political gain
The dissolution comes exactly two years after the current parliament was elected, the minimum time required before calling new
elections.Additionally, the constitution mandates that elections be held within 60 to 90 days of dissolution
by coups and political unrest
The outcome of these elections could have far-reaching implications for West African politics.In addition, as Senegal prepares for this
years to come.