Hundreds of thousands in Cuba without water

Water shortages in Cuba are increasingly flaring tempers, including in capital Havana, as problems mount for hundreds of thousands of
residents already ragged from shortfalls in food, fuel and electricity.Upwards of 600,000 people - more than 1 in 20 on the Caribbean island
of 10 million citizens - are suffering from water supply issues, officials said earlier this month.Havana is the worst affected by water
the growing problems on crumbling infrastructure and a persistent lack of fuel, symptoms of a festering economic crisis that has blighted
in short supply, officials said
And without fuel and adequate transportation, even emergency water supply by cistern truck has been limited, according to residents.Frequent
works with a church group that offers residents small quantities to stem the shortfall
by a combination of factors, including the COVID-19 pandemic, stiffened U.S
sanctions and a state-dominated business model plagued by bureaucracy, mismanagement and corruption.The social and economic crisis is widely
years.Source: Reuters--Agencies