[India] - Motilal Oswal Foundation pledges Rs 130 cr to IIT-B for scholastic upgrade

IIT Bombay (Source/Wikipedia)2 min read Last Updated : Sep 19 2024 | 5:07 PM IST Motilal Oswal Foundation has pledged Rs 130 crore to
IIT-Bombay to help the educational institute upgrade its academic and research infrastructure. This is the biggest commitment to date from
the foundation set up by Motilal Oswal and Raamdeo Agrawal, the co-founders of Motilal Oswal Financial Services (MOFSL)
It is also one of the largest corporate philanthropic contributions in the country. The foundation has pledged to donate 10 per cent of the
Capital Markets (MOCM) at IIT-Bombay is conceptualised with the objective of building high-end capabilities to enable the evolution and
growth of the Indian financial sector
The multidisciplinary centre will draw expertise from areas such as finance, economics, management, operations research, computer science,
IIT-Bombay. Motilal Oswal, trustee, Motilal Oswal Foundation, added, "At Motilal Oswal Foundation, we are committed to building a
5:07 PMIST