Extreme Drought Forces Ecuador to Cut Power in Half the Country

Ecuador, facing its worst drought in 60 years, has announced power rationing in half its provinces to conserve dwindling resources.This
twelve provinces, spanning from north to south
Residents in these areas will experience outages from 8 AM to 5 PM local time on Sunday.This measure aims to conserve the dwindling water
meeting in Cuenca.Extreme Drought Forces Ecuador to Cut Power in Half the Country
(Photo internet reproduction)They carefully evaluated the situation in each province before implementing the focused power cuts.The
not been idle in the face of this crisis
have been compounded by over 1,330 forest fires in the past month.This is not the first time Ecuador has faced energy rationing this month
The country experienced eight-hour nightly blackouts on September 18th and 19th.The government also implemented two days of remote work for
The coming days will be crucial in determining the extent of further measures needed to address this unprecedented situation.