Tanzania's Democracy Tested: Opposition Defies Protest Ban Amid Rising Tensions

Political tensions have reached a boiling point in Tanzania
The main opposition party, Chadema, challenges a government ban on protests in Dar es Salaam.Authorities have responded by arresting key
opposition figures and deploying anti-riot forces across the economic capital.Chadema, which stands for Party for Democracy and Progress in
Swahili, planned the demonstration to condemn political activist disappearances.The recent murder of Ali Mohamed Kibao, a party leader,
sparked this mobilization
residence.Videos of riot police and water cannons stationed at strategic points circulated on social media
Ban Amid Rising Tensions
authoritarian practices.This crackdown follows a protest in August that led to the arrest of 520 party-affiliated individuals
Western countries and NGOs have expressed concern over the situation, but President Hassan firmly rejected foreign criticism.In addition,
the Tanganyika Law Society reported 83 abductions or disappearances between 2016 and 2024, underscoring human rights challenges.Despite