Tequila Captures 10% of U.S. Spirits Market: A Mexican Success Story

Tequila has captured 10% of the US spirits market, marking a significant victory for the Mexican spirit, according to the Tequila Regulatory
Council (CRT).Tequila stood out as the only distilled beverage to increase its market share in 2023
achievement, noting its substantial portion of the distilled spirits market
This success comes despite a 5% decrease in exports to the US in the first eight months of 2024.CRT statistics reveal that tequila exports
to the US reached 267.7 million liters from January to August 2024
This figure represents a slight decline from the 282.8 million liters exported during the same period in 2023.Tequila Captures 10% of US
Spirits Market: A Mexican Success Story
majority of tequila exported to the US falls under the 100% agave category
This premium variety accounted for 178 million liters, or 66.5% of total exports.The remaining 33.5% consisted of mixed tequila, made with
She notes that tequila offers options for all budgets and palates.Tequila Captures 10% of US Spirits Market: A Mexican Success StoryThe CRT
appealing to younger generations seeking cultural roots
Mexican-American community
integration into American culture, transcending its origins as a nostalgic product.