[Brazil] - X Seeks Restoration in Brazil After Compliance with Court Orders

The social media platform X has taken steps to regain its presence in Brazil
The company claims to have met all requirements set by the Supreme Federal Court (STF).A source close to the matter confirmed this
information to the AFP agency on Thursday
X, formerly known as Twitter, has been suspended in Brazil since August 31.Justice Alexandre de Moraes ordered the suspension, citing the
appointment of a legal representative in Brazil.The company, owned by entrepreneur Elon Musk, has now submitted new documents requested by
Justice Moraes
X asserts that it has fulfilled all demands made by the Brazilian judiciary.X Seeks Restoration in Brazil After Compliance with Court Orders
(Photo Internet reproduction)The source, who requested anonymity, revealed this information
users in the country
The company had already appointed a legal representative in Brazil days before the suspension.However, in a legal document released on
Saturday, Justice Moraes deemed the requirement for service restoration unfulfilled.He gave X a five-day deadline to submit new documents
Wednesday, September 18, X briefly became widely accessible in Brazil due to a technical maneuver
This access was short-lived, as the platform ceased operations again the following day to comply with a court order.X argued that the
Brazil, Pinheiro Neto law firm, declined to comment on the newly submitted documents.The STF emphasized that the case remains under judicial
Moraes, in turn, accuses the platform of allowing the spread of information that threatens democracy.The ongoing dispute highlights the
complex relationship between social media platforms and legal systems worldwide.