Eastern Congo: Civilian Casualties Mount as Rwandan Forces and M23 Rebels Clash

The conflict in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo has intensified throughout 2024
Rwandan forces and the M23 rebel group have shelled displacement camps near Goma.Congolese armed forces and allied militias have also
committed abuses against civilians in the area
Human Rights Watch has documented numerous attacks on densely populated areas around Goma.These attacks have killed and injured many
civilians, including children
The use of heavy artillery in populated zones violates international humanitarian law.Over half a million people have fled to displacement
camps surrounding Goma
The total number of displaced people in North Kivu now stands at about 2.4 million.These camps have become targets for indiscriminate
shelling by Rwandan and M23 forces
and M23 Rebels Clash
(Photo Internet reproduction)At least 17 civilians, including 15 children, lost their lives in this incident
The attack involved 122mm artillery rockets launched from Rwandan and M23 positions northwest of Sake.Humanitarian Crisis in CongoCongolese
forces have placed artillery near displacement camps, putting civilians at risk
This has made the camps vulnerable to counterfire from opposing forces.Aid agencies have reported difficulties accessing the camps due to
ongoing military operations
Sexual violence has become a widespread problem in and around the camps.Both Congolese forces and M23 fighters have been accused of raping
Many victims were attacked while searching for food or firewood outside the camps.The presence of armed men in the camps has led to
increased insecurity
Residents have reported killings, lootings, and arbitrary detentions.In some cases, militia members have extorted money from displaced
people through threats and violence
Humanitarian aid delivery has been severely impacted by the fighting.In addition, food shortages have forced many displaced people to risk
their lives by returning to their fields in contested areas.This has exposed them to further violence and exploitation
International organizations have called for an end to the violations of humanitarian law.They urge both sides to protect civilians and allow
unhindered access to humanitarian aid
Sanctions and prosecutions have been proposed for commanders responsible for war crimes.