Growing International Support for Morocco’s Autonomy Plan for Western Sahara

This move adds to a growing list of nations that view the proposal as a credible solution to the long-standing territorial dispute.This
development marks a significant shift in the international landscape surrounding the Sahara issue
(Photo Internet reproduction)France, as a permanent member of the UN Security Council, officially recognized Moroccan sovereignty over the
self-governance for the Sahara regions under Moroccan sovereignty.It is widely regarded as one of the most viable proposals for ending the
decades-long territorial dispute
Both Denmark and Morocco have reaffirmed their support for the UN-led peace process.In addition, they also back the efforts of Staffan de
finding a peaceful and mutually acceptable solution in accordance with UN Security Council resolutions.Despite growing international support
The Polisario Front advocates for independence in Western Sahara and emphasizes the right to self-determination.It has garnered support from
several countries, especially Algeria
long-standing conflict appear to be improving.However, continued diplomatic efforts and negotiations will be crucial in achieving a lasting
solution that addresses the concerns of all parties involved.