Nigeria Unveils Plan to Tax Foreign Residents

legislation aims to assign national identification numbers to foreigners living in Nigeria
expand the pool of registered individuals
It will now include foreign persons with a taxable presence or income source in Nigeria.The government plans to make the use of national
identification numbers mandatory for tax-related transactions
Under the new law, anyone residing in or subject to taxation in Nigeria would be required to register.This applies regardless of citizenship
The legislation would effectively impose taxes on expatriates and immigrants earning income within the country.Nigeria Unveils Plan to Tax
Foreign Residents
He explained that if passed, the bill would require all residents, including foreigners, to register for a national identification
prohibited foreigners from registering for national identification numbers
substantial foreign debt and generate additional revenue
legislative process, it has sparked discussions about its potential impact
Proponents argue it will increase government revenue and improve economic stability.Critics, however, raise concerns about implementation
challenges and possible effects on foreign investment
as lawmakers and stakeholders weigh the merits of this ambitious plan.