In Russia, International Safe Abortion Day Is a Reminder of Reproductive Rights Backsliding

The pressure has been gradually increasing throughout Vladimir Putin's rule," said a feminist activist from Russia who requested anonymity
due to security concerns.In recent years, high-profile Russian officials have assumed the roles of vocal advocates of early childbirth and
problems arise as a result: infertility, miscarriage, IVF
even if it would ruin her life," the anonymous feminist activist told The Moscow Times."But for the most part, abortions are [undertaken] by
women who already have children and belong to socially vulnerable groups
An abortion is never an easy decision," she added.On paper, Russia still has one of the most liberal abortion policies in the world, with
women able to get an abortion on request up to the 12th week of pregnancy
In exceptional cases such as rape, death of the husband during pregnancy and imprisonment, an abortion may be obtained up to the 22nd
aimed at discouraging them from undertaking the procedure
Instead of trained psychologists, counseling is often provided by Orthodox priests or volunteers linked to conservative
other anti-abortion schemes, was backed by the Russian Orthodox Church, which seeks to edge the country toward a complete abortion ban in
for Life Foundation NGO as the primary actor in lobbying interests of the Church and conservative leadership and overseeing a network of