Water levels in rivers rise to danger zone across Nepal

KATHMANDU, SEPTEMBER 28Incessant rainfall over the past few days has raised water
levels in nearly all rivers, from the Arun in Sankhuwasabha in the east to the Banganga in Kapilvastu in the west, to dangerous levels.
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A special flood bulletin issued by the Department of Hydrology and Meteorology last night reported that the Arun, Dudhkoshi,
Sunkoshi, Bagmati, Narayani, Tinau, Banganga, and their tributaries have crossed the warning level, with some surpassing the danger
level.Water levels in the Sunkoshi and Bagmati rivers are above the danger threshold, while the Arun, Dudhkoshi, Narayani, Tinau, and
Banganga have reached the vigilance threshold
Continued rainfall in these rivers' catchment areas is expected to further increase water levels. The Department has
forecasted more heavy rain over the next 24 hours, advising the public to avoid unnecessary travel and exercise caution to ensure safety.
This article first appeared/also appeared in https://thehimalayantimes.com