Reliance Industries clocked record profits of Rs 9,435 crore in the fourth quarter of fiscal 2018, up 17 per cent, on higher margins from
its petrochemicals, retail and digital services businesses
This indicates that RIL makes around Rs 105 crore a day
Higher earnings from petrochemicals, retail and digital services businesses helped the company offset the lower contribution from the
refining and oil gas ventures
This is the second time in a row the telecom unit has declared a profit
RIL had launched the telecom services in September 2016
Jio is six times more profitable than Bharti Airtel, whose consolidated profit in Q4FY18 was Rs 83 crore
The digital services business posted an operating profit of Rs 1,495 crore compared to an operational loss of Rs 32 crore
39 per cent to Rs 1.29 lakh crore on strong volumes from its petrochemicals business due to newly commissioned projects and higher product
prices, and a
134 per cent surge in its retail business
For the full financial year 2017-18, RIL, controlled by billionaire Mukesh Ambani, recorded a profit of Rs 36,075 crore, an increase of 21
per cent while revenues were up by 31 per cent to Rs 4.3 lakh crore
established several records on both operating and financial parameters