Russia Revises Nuclear Doctrine, Lowering Threshold for Potential Use

policy.President Vladimir Putin unveiled these changes on September 25, 2024, during a Security Council meeting
The revised doctrine expands scenarios for potential nuclear weapon use by Russia.Under the new guidelines, Russia could employ nuclear
weapons if attacked with conventional missiles that pose a critical threat to its sovereignty.The doctrine also considers attacks from
non-nuclear states backed by nuclear powers as grounds for a nuclear response
would view any missile attack as potentially nuclear-capable
Potential Use
(Photo Internet reproduction)These changes aim to deter the United States and its allies from allowing Ukraine to strike Russian territory
Zarubin that the amendments have been prepared and will soon be formalized.This statement indicates that the official adoption of the new
doctrine is imminent
stance since 2020
nuclear arsenal, estimated at nearly 6,000 warheads, adds gravity to these policy changes.The international community, particularly the U.S
increases the actual risk of nuclear use or serves primarily as strategic signaling.As tensions persist, the world closely watches how this
policy change may impact global strategic stability and the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.