Congress Approves 13 Constitutional Reforms Under AMLO's Presidency

The Congress approved 13 of his 28 proposed constitutional reforms.This marks a notable difference from previous administrations
These reforms have been published in the Official Gazette of the Federation.Two additional reforms await publication, focusing on the
One key reform prohibits tax debt forgiveness, aiming to prevent preferential treatment in fiscal matters.Major Reforms Under AMLOThis
change was proposed in August 2019 and enacted in March 2020
the Constitution
This change aims to extend social security coverage to vulnerable populations.It establishes a national health system for those without
access to social security and constitutionally guarantees support programs for seniors and scholarships for minors.Despite these successes,
These form part of a package of 18 initiatives presented in February.In short, the new legislature has already approved one reform
concerning judicial power, allowing citizens to elect judges and magistrates from 2025.