[Brazil] - Ecuador's Tourism Industry Faces Challenges Amid War on Drug Gangs

violent incidents that shook the nation and its image abroad
Ecuador offers a diverse range of attractions, from Andean glaciers to tropical beaches and the famous Galapagos Islands.The country uses
the US dollar, which makes it convenient for American travelers
However, recent events have overshadowed these advantages and deterred many potential visitors.The roots of this crisis trace back to 2018
By 2024, this figure had jumped to 46.5 per 100,000, an alarming eightfold increase.The assassination of presidential candidate Fernando
Challenges Amid War on Drug Gangs
(Photo Internet reproduction)The tipping point came on January 9, 2024, when armed criminals stormed a television studio during a live
This brazen act prompted President Obama to take drastic measures.He declared a nationwide state of emergency and labeled nearly two dozen
drug gangs as terrorist organizations
This figure is lower than neighboring countries like Peru and Costa Rica, where tourism contributes over 5% to GDP.Tourism Minister Mateo
of the internal war declaration
The government plans to increase its budget for international travel marketing.Despite the challenges, some positive signs are emerging
Estrella projects that the overall decline in tourism for 2024 will be around 10%, an improvement from the 22% drop seen in January.Popular
The U.S
industry stands at a crossroads