Congo, Uganda Extend Military Alliance Against ADF Rebels: Battling Persistent Threats

The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and Uganda have agreed to continue their joint military operations against the Allied Democratic
Forces (ADF) rebels.This decision underscores the ongoing threat posed by the ADF in eastern DRC and neighboring Uganda
Ugandan rebel group, has operated in eastern DRC since the 1990s
It has become one of the deadliest armed groups in the region, pledging allegiance to the Islamic State.Joint operations between the Uganda
years of joint efforts, the ADF remains a significant threat
UN reports indicate the group was responsible for over 1,000 civilian deaths in 2023.Congo, Uganda Extend Military Alliance Against ADF
Rebels: Battling Persistent Threats
(Photo Internet reproduction)Between June and September 2024, the ADF caused 467 civilian casualties, including women and children
The ongoing conflict has worsened the humanitarian crisis in eastern DRC.Humanitarian Crisis and Security ChallengesAs of March 2024, nearly
1.7 million people were internally displaced in the Petit Nord region of North Kivu
An additional half a million displaced persons have moved into neighboring South Kivu province.Military operations have reportedly reduced
The conflict landscape is further complicated by the presence of other armed groups.The protracted conflict has led to severe humanitarian
consequences, including the recruitment of child soldiers and widespread sexual violence.In addition, the United Nations mission MONUSCO is
mining sector
Uganda-DRC military alliance signals a continued commitment to addressing regional security challenges.However, the complex nature of the
conflict suggests that a comprehensive political solution may be necessary alongside military efforts to achieve lasting peace and stability
in the eastern DRC.