[Brazil] - Brazil Orders Extradition of Dozens Who Fled After January 8 Government Attacks

abroad.Judge Alexandre de Moraes issued the order
It targets all accused of participating in the invasions and destruction of the Presidential Palace, the Supreme Court, and Congress
According to Brazilian media, the Federal Police have identified more than 60 participants now located in Argentina.Among them is blogger
Authorities suspect that most who fled to Argentina did so by hiding in cars after breaking their electronic ankle bracelets.Judge Moraes
must now inform the Ministry of Justice and the Foreign Ministry to initiate extradition procedures
justice.Brazil Orders Extradition of Dozens Who Fled After January 8 Government Attacks
(Photo Internet reproduction)So far, Brazilian courts have convicted more than 200 people involved in the January 8 vandalism
All face charges including armed criminal association, qualified damage, destruction of historical heritage, violent abolition of the
occurred on Sunday, January 8, 2023
They entered the Presidential Palace, Congress, and the Supreme Court, destroying property as they went.The attackers damaged historic
artifacts and caused significant destruction within these symbolic buildings
accountable, regardless of where they have fled
It sends a clear message that actions undermining democracy will not be tolerated.As extradition proceedings begin, the focus remains on
ensuring a fair legal process for all accused
The outcome may set important precedents for how Brazil handles future threats to its democratic institutions.