Mexican Senate Restores Public Status and Control to Pemex and CFE

The Senate plenary session approved the decree with 86 votes in favor and 39 against.Morena, PVEM, and PT parties supported the changes,
while PAN, PRI, and MC opposed them
The debate lasted over six hours before the final vote took place.The amendments specify that secondary legislation will determine how
private entities can participate in other electrical industry activities
fulfill its social duty and ensure continuous, accessible electricity service
The changes also address monopoly concerns.Mexican Senate Restores Public Status and Control to Pemex and CFE
(Photo Internet reproduction)They clarify that exclusive state functions in strategic areas like lithium and internet service do not
constitute monopolies
ReformsThe reforms aim to preserve national energy security and self-sufficiency
They also seek to provide electricity to the public at the lowest possible price, avoiding profit-making.This approach intends to guarantee
national security and sovereignty through the established state public enterprise
In a separate but related development, the Senate unanimously approved changes to Article 28 of the Constitution.This reform concerns
railway transportation routes
It declares both passenger and freight railways as priority areas for national development.The railway reform allows the Mexican State to
reclaim the right to use railway lines for passenger transport services
The federal executive can now grant assignments to public companies or concessions to private entities for this purpose.These constitutional
changes reflect a shift towards greater state control in key sectors of the Mexican economy
The reforms aim to balance public interests with private sector participation in critical industries.