Lula 3.0: Brazil’s Surging Growth, Soaring Deficits, and the Fight for Stability

showed resilience with a 2.9% GDP growth in 2023 and an expected 3.5% in 2024
This surpassed initial projections, driven by record grain harvests and increased household consumption.Inflation fell for a brief moment
below the target ceiling for the first time in three years only to raise above again, while unemployment dropped to 6.2% in late 2024, the
lowest on record
billion), the largest in two decades.This comes as Brazil maintains ownership or stakes in an astounding 637 companies, a world-leading
Soaring Deficits, and the Fight for Stability
(Photo Internet reproduction)Perhaps most alarming is the R$1.1 trillion ($177.4 billion) hole in public accounts, the largest since
record-keeping began
Paradoxically, this occurs amid strong economic growth and record tax revenue, which rose nearly 10 percentage points above
inflation.Financial markets responded cautiously
Foreign capital flight reached $32.4 billion, and the Brazilian real became the worst-performing major currency in 2024
Amazon deforestation decreased, but the Cerrado saw record deforestation growth
Brazil witnessed its worst wildfires in 14 years, with the burned area 93% larger than the previous year
Growth, Soaring Deficits, and the Fight for StabilitySocial programs saw a revival
contradictory trends
IBGE data reports millions lifted from poverty, with rates at their lowest since 2012
However, a UFMG study reveals a sharp increase in homelessness during the same period, challenging the narrative of overall improvement.Add
titleAdd titleInternationally, Brazil sought to regain prominence
Efforts were made to reposition Brazil in climate change and sustainable development discussions.Despite these efforts, challenges persist
The INSS (National Institute of Social Security) waiting list reached 1.7 million requests, representing a large backlog of people waiting
for their social security benefits to be processed
Government disapproval hit 48%, the highest since the term began
a complex political landscape