Breathless on stairs?- Could be warning signs of this chronic disease

Respiratory specialist Dr
Samanmalee Dalpadathu has revealed that 10% of Sri Lankans over the age of 40 suffer from Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), a
condition often caused by smoking, prolonged exposure to air pollution, or untreated asthma.Speaking at a media briefing organized by the
Health Promotion Bureau, Dr
cause of death globally
Many people develop it unknowingly due to factors such as untreated asthma or smoking
Initially, the symptoms are hidden, but as the disease progresses, patients experience breathing difficulties, especially during physical
Dalpadathu referred to a 2017 survey that found one in ten Sri Lankans over 40 have COPD
She emphasized that this lack of early detection stems from a poor understanding of the disease and its risk factors.Preventing and Managing
consistently wearing masks in high-risk environments can significantly reduce the risk of developing COPD
clarified that while COPD differs from asthma, the only effective treatment is the long-term use of inhalers
advanced stages.