Russia and Ukraine said Friday that they exchanged the remains of 806 fallen soldiers, marking one of the largest repatriation operations in
recent months.Moscow received the bodies of 49 soldiers, Russian lawmaker Shamsail Saraliyev told the RBC news website
referencing the fierce battles near Pokrovsk, a key mining and transportation hub.Pokrovsk, which had a pre-war population of around 60,000
people, has been largely devastated by months of intense Russian bombardment and remains a primary target of Kremlin forces.Ukraine also
While military death tolls remain state secrets for both countries, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said last month that 43,000
Ukrainian troops had been killed and 370,000 wounded since 2022.Experts believe the actual figures are significantly higher.Russia has not
website puts the verified Russian troops deaths at over 90,000.The exchange of prisoners and the return of remains are among the few areas