Hezbollah described Sunday, January 26, 2025, as a Glorious Day of God and a majestic scene of honor and dignity crafted by the individuals
of resistance.In a statement released Sunday night, Hezbollah praised the resilience of the Lebanese people, highlighting their deep
connection to their land, their steady accessory to every grain of its soil, and their steadfast function as guardians of national
sovereignty, standing resolutely versus all threats and aggression.Since 2000, this scene has repeated itself
Through their brave resistance, our individuals continue to drive out the enemy, reaffirming when again that there is no location for an
occupier in this blessed land, watered by the blood of martyrs, the statement added.Hezbollah even more highlighted the effective
significance of returning locals, bring pictures of martyrs and resistance flags as a testimony to perseverance, steadfastness, and triumph
This unyielding will and indomitable spirit form the greatest weapon of the resistance, the statement said
It also recalled the words of the late spiritual martyr, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, who described this strength as an unsurpassable point of
power.It restated that the resistance stays devoted to the sacrifices of its martyrs and that no force, no matter how mighty, can hold up
against the blessed popular wave seeking liberation and the supreme defeat of the occupier.Hezbollah also highlighted the long-lasting value
of the Army-People-Resistance equation, describing it as a tangible truth rather than a simple slogan
This unity, it said, guards Lebanon from the treachery of its opponents and is embodied daily through the sacrifices of its people.The
declaration gotten in touch with all Lebanese to stand united with their southern compatriots, declaring the worths of national uniformity
and aiming together for true sovereignty defined by liberation and victory
Hezbollah urged the worldwide community, specifically the countries sponsoring current arrangements, to hold Israel responsible for its
violations and criminal offenses and to guarantee its full withdrawal from Lebanese territories.The statement concluded with a tribute to
the martyrs and wounded who, through their sacrifices, led the way for freedom and accomplishment
Hezbollah emphasized that these historical moments reaffirm Lebanons identity as a nation of honor, self-respect, and unwavering
resistance.People of southern Lebanon revealed no worry of the Zionist armyHezbollah MP Mohammad Raad, dealing with the Lebanese in the
south, said, Once once again, you show the world real self-respect, commitment, and the essence of freedom and freedom.Raad likewise
required national unity and declared the role of resistance as the pillar of Lebanons sovereignty.Yemens Ansarullah spokesman also hailed
the return of the Lebanese people in the south to their homes and condemned the Israeli attacks that left lots martyred and wounded in a
failed bid to obstruct their return.Several Lebanese schools, universities also suspend Monday classes permitting students and personnel to
get involved and celebrate the scenes of magnificent victory.Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Leader of the Islamic Revolution in Iran likewise said
individuals of southern Lebanon showed no fear of the Zionist army and brought their souls to battleground with altruism and trust in
magnificent promise.Marches and events swept Beiruts southern residential areas (Dahiyeh) as southern citizens go back to their villages and