[Iran] - 2 Israeli reservists detained on suspicion of espionage for Iran

TEHRAN Israels so-called internal security service, Shin Bet, has actually announced the arrest of 2 reservist soldiers on espionage charges
for supplying sensitive information to Iran.A police spokesperson validated the arrests on Monday, recognizing the main suspect as Yuri
Eliasfov, who served in the Israeli armys Iron Dome anti-aircraft missile unit
Eliasfov is implicated of passing classified military information to Iranian representatives throughout his service.The connection in
between Eliasfov and an Iranian handler supposedly started in September 2024, according to claims by Israeli media
Over the following months, Eliasfov is stated to have hired his pal, Georgi Andreyev, who served at the Kirya military headquarters in Tel
Aviv, and presented him to the same Iranian agent.The suspects are implicated of engaging in activities such as spray-painting graffiti and
hanging pro-Iranian banners in Tel Aviv, which supposedly furthered Irans interests
Both men, aged 21 and from northern locations of Israel, face security charges for transferring categorized info and helping an enemy state
during wartime.Israeli prosecutors are anticipated to file official charges in the coming days.On early January, the Shin Bet company had
actually claimed an incredible fivefold increase in espionage activities related to Iran.According to the firms annual report, the number of
identified espionage cases rose by a worrying 400 percent in 2024 compared to the previous year.The Shin Bet revealed that it had actually
arraigned 27 Israeli inhabitants over allegations of spying for Iran.The company declared to have taken apart 13 major espionage operations
that were allegedly orchestrated by Iranian intelligence.In one prominent incident in October 2024, 2 settlers were detained east of Tel
Aviv on charges of espionage and acts of sabotage in the occupied Palestinian territories.Furthermore, on September 19, the Israeli program
detained another inhabitant suspected of plotting against prominent Israelis.