Ravi tables movement to abolish MPs pension plan

New Democratic Front (NDF) MP Ravi Karunanayake has tabled a Private Members Motion in Parliament today (7 ), looking for the abolition of
the pension scheme for Members of Parliament.Addressing Parliament, MP Karunanayake stated that a particular political party had actually
manipulated popular opinion on this problem, portraying it as a betrayal of society, which in turn has harmed public rely on MPs
Therefore, he brought this movement to restore public confidence, he said.He emphasized the requirement to reconstruct trust in elected
representatives, highlighting that MPs serve to represent the will of the people and should prioritize public needs.I am presenting this
proposal to get rid of the social opposition that exists
If we do not change this, Parliament will just become like a municipal council
Over the past few years, this has created a harmful circumstance for the nation
As we work towards creating a new political culture, we have actually all come together to identify whether we will produce a problem for
ourselves or develop more rely on society, he specified.