Morgan Ortagus beware: “This is where the Marines were based!”

cabinet into a practical opportunity to politically exclude the Shiites to compensate for the failure suffered by the recent US-led Israeli
aggression on Lebanon.The prime minister-designate is not ignorant of local, regional and international situations, knowing that he does not
lead a political group and does not rely on a popular base
Rather he relies on external support that seeks to weaken the resistance.Washington wants all the main portfolios to be under its colonial
control: the interior, foreign affairs, defense, energy and communications
That is why Salam wanted to appoint one of the five nominated Shiite ministers, according to specifications that match the US requirements,
implementation of the ceasefire agreement or Lebanon receiving any kind of aid to the formation of a government conforming to Israeli
whatsoever!Over the past decades, Washington has provided all forms of unconditional military, political and economic support to its
But where!? At the Lebanese Presidential Palace!!It is not new for the American declining empire to be ideologically and politically biased
and administrative systems in a bid to maximize their wealth and gains, at the expense of the marginalized popular classes.Likewise, those
Capitalism extensively elaborates on how Western oligarchies encourage breaking legal and political controls to turn the world into a free
space they control as they please.Before Trump, Jared Kushner had called for the expulsion of the people of Gaza and the theft of the gas
fields off its coast
West Asia will not be spared the evils of these imperialists unless we well review history.In the 1980s, in the midst of the Israeli
comrades voluntarily decided to humiliate the EMPIRE.Spontaneously, in those harsh circumstances and with humble capabilities, Hezbollah was
As experienced by these few young men, resistance was the only available option to preserve the homeland, even if it cost great sacrifices
Otherwise, the option of submission or identification had a greater cost.Fighting for these people was not Hollywoodian in nature