Saudi Arabia revealed Friday that it would want to host a top in between U.S
President Donald Trump and Russias Vladimir Putin as the 2 leaders say they wish to negotiate an end to the war in Ukraine.Trump raised the
prospect of conference in Saudi Arabia on Wednesday after he held a surprise telephone call with Putin.The 2 leaders were going to satisfy
probably in Saudi Arabia the first time, Trump told White House reporters
The kingdom reveals its welcome to hosting the top in Saudi Arabia, and reaffirms its continuous efforts to accomplish an enduring peace in
between Russia and Ukraine, the Saudi Foreign Ministry said in a statement, without confirming whether the conference would go ahead.The
ministry said it commends the telephone call in between Trump and Putin and the possibility of hosting a summit in the kingdom.On
Thursday, Kremlin representative Dmitry Peskov said there was no contract with Trump as to the details of a conference between him and
Putin, including that both sides are still in negotiations
So far, no decisions have actually been made, neither at the working level nor at the greatest level, Peskov told press reporters
Of course, it will take time to prepare such a meeting
It could be weeks, it might be a month, it could be numerous months, he added.