Dozens of Nobel laureates on Monday urged U.S
President Donald Trump and EU leaders to help secure the release of more than 1,400 political prisoners held in Belarus.The appeal came days
Movshuk and an unidentified U.S
citizen.Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Christopher Smith later told Western diplomats that Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko
was willing to release other political prisoners in exchange for sanctions relief, The New York Times reported Saturday, citing anonymous
Nobel laureates said some Belarusian political prisoners had been held in inhumane conditions, spent years in solitary confinement or even
President Donald Trump and the leaders of the European Union to take urgent and comprehensive measures to secure the release of all
fields, including peace, literature, physics, chemistry, medicine and economics
It was published on the website of exiled Belarusian journalist Dmitry Bolunets.The laureates made a similar appeal last July, shortly
before Lukashenko released several political prisoners.Belarus was rocked by months of mass anti-government protests after Lukashenko
claimed victory in a disputed August 2020 election, securing a sixth term in office.A group of independent experts convened by the UN Human
Rights Council said Friday that serious human rights violations remain widespread in Belarus.