[Iran] - Mazandaran, Istanbul sci-tech parks to beef up ties

TEHRAN Mazandarans science and innovation park, and Istanbuls Biruni Teknopark, have discussed ways to expand their technological and
clinical interactions.During the online conference, Karim Soleimani, head of Mazandarans science and technology park, and Sezgin Erzan,
basic manager of Biruni Teknopark, worried the significance of improving cooperation in the fields of innovation, the ministry of science,
research, and innovation has reported.The two sides have consented to sign a memorandum of understanding (MOU) focusing on establishing
innovation transfer workplaces, supporting the establishment of Iranian and Turkish companies in the two nations, along with assisting in
Iranian companies entrance into brand-new markets.Attracting domestic and foreign financial investment to support Turkish, and Iranian
start-ups will be a new step in the globalization of knowledge-based companies
The cooperation will be a turning point in the advancement of international markets for the business operating in Mazandarans science and
innovation park.By developing an appropriate platform for understanding exchange, financial investment and establishment of companies,
unique opportunities will be offered the growth and technological development of Iranian companies at the global level.The meeting is
expected to be the beginning of a tactical cooperation in between the 2 sides
Iranian knowledge-based companies and start-ups will have the ability to take advantage of the MOU to develop their organization in Turkey
and Europe.Iran, Turkey to improve technological co-opIn 2023, the Turkish ambassador to Iran, Hicabi Kirlangic, and the Iranian deputy
science minister, Vahid Haddadi-Asl, stressed boosting technological cooperation, especially joint scientific collaboration.Irans scientific
and technological relations have actually not developed in parallel with its political and economic ones
We are ready to broaden our relations with Turkey in study chances, trainee exchange, scholarships, innovation, and knowledge-based
companies, IRIB quoted Haddadi-Asl as saying.During a conference that was held in Tehran on September 12, 2023, Haddadi-Asl highlighted the
significance of scientific relations in between Iran and Turkey as two surrounding Muslim countries.Before the coronavirus break out, we had
Persian language and literature chairs in Turkey
There are still several [academic] chairs in this nation, he added.In case Turkish universities accept develop a Persian language and
literature chair, we want to dispatch professors and pay for all expenses.Also, we are prepared to get and review Turkeys proposals for
teaching the Turkish language, needed by business working in Iran.A a great deal of Iranian students are studying in Turkey, at their own
expenditure, and we would like to study and solve problems in the joint committee.Pointing to the current earthquakes in Iran and Turkey, he
specified, Several Iranian seismologists have an interest in conducting research study in the earthquake-affected areas of Turkey, and we
hope that with the help of the Turkish embassy, the necessary preparations will be produced their presence in Turkey.Kirlangic, who has been
working in Iran given that February, appreciated Iran for comprehensive assistance to Turkey as the earthquake hit this country and
associated that to the close relations in between the 2 nations.He, for his part, stated: To conduct scientific research study on
earthquakes, a joint task can be specified by professors and proving ground of the two sides.Highlighting the cultural, historical, and
spiritual commonalities of Iran and Turkey, he added scientific cooperation between the two nations need to be much more than the present
level.MT/ MG