Rwanda: From Genocide’s Ashes, a Shadow Empire Rises

while a new way of global power quietly takes hold
Rwanda faced a nightmare
Two groups lived there: the Hutus, the majority, and the Tutsis, fewer in number
it stunned the world.A young Tutsi named Paul Kagame, hiding out in neighboring Uganda, gathered a force called the Rwandan Patriotic Front
They fought back, stopped the killing, and took over Rwanda
or DRC
In one week, 3,000 died and 700,000 fled their homes, says the United Nations.Rwanda sent 3,000 to 4,000 soldiers to help, armed with
times bigger, with 10 times more people
Think of it like Maryland taking on Texas
year and people living longer, from 49 years old to 68.It sends 5,000 soldiers to help the UN keep peace worldwide, more than almost any
Kinshasa, is 1,500 kilometers away, and there are no good roads or trains to get there
Companies like Apple and Samsung buy it up, and in 2024, Europe made a deal to get even more from Rwanda
The U.S
counts on it too
about minerals
In another spot, the Central African Republic, they push back Russian fighters
when they did.Echoes of War, Lines of PowerOthers are watching
that outsiders are pulling strings
Around the world, strength is sketching new lines
The U.S
has mused about claiming Greenland and more
China looks at Taiwan
something vast, a small player turned big, using its edge to carve a space while others draw yields from its work
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