Western collusion.It is worth noting that incitement to commit war crimes and crimes against humanity, according to international criminal
law, means complicity in these acts.Undoubtedly, the US-led Israeli aggression has inflicted painful blows on Hezbollah, but what is being
ignored is that the resistance movement has never been easy to defeat
It has faced great challenges, but it has finally emerged victorious no matter the cost.What the spoiled boys in the American embassy in
Beirut ignore is that the imperialist policy towards Lebanon falls within the context of an expansionist plan whose features have been drawn
and whose goals have been determined in Washington.The same hostile strategy that threatens Syria, Gaza, the West Bank, Jordan, and even
West Asia in general.However, the people of Lebanon cannot remain in their rear trenches, committed to silence and disgraceful
submission!The enemy, given its military and technological superiority, is capable of committing malicious acts
But these acts cannot go on forever.Nevertheless, the resistance community has not and will not give up its ideological, moral, and national
American embassy in Beirut is unaware of this or downplays it, Hezbollah has succeeded in standing firm in the face of an unprecedented
US-led Israeli aggression and has successfully prevented a large-scale occupation of Lebanon.Hezbollah paralyzed life in northern occupied
Palestinian lands during the war on Gaza and robbed the colonial settlers of the feeling of personal and collective security.Despite the
intimidation and threats, the resistance community, especially the residents of the border villages, who are now directly exposed to daily