spiritual, societal, and political affairs.Gnostic philosophers like him cannot be forgotten because he is an exceptional legend who left a
deep imprint in the conscience and soul of every free and honourable person, Muslim and non-Muslim.During the US-backed Israeli aggression
against Gaza, martyr Nasrallah focused in his speeches on the essence of the conflict with the Israeli occupation regime.At that time, he
confirmed that Israeli intransigence was what was obstructing the cessation of the genocidal war, and that Netanyahu would ultimately be
forced to accept the conditions of the Palestinian resistance.This was what actually happened in mid-January 2025.On the spiritual and
devotional level, in most of his speeches Nasrallah called for paying attention to worship and purifying the soul, which would free a person
from the shackles of materialism, grudges, harming others, etc.In this context, it is noteworthy that he gave the largest space in the call
Day always received special attention.Following the victory of the revolution in 1979, Imam Khomeini called for commemorating this event on
the last Friday of Ramadan as a day of solidarity with the oppressed Palestinian people; rejecting the Judaization of al-Quds, settlement
martyred Hezbollah leader noted that the Saif al Quds Battle restored prestige to the Palestinian cause
the importance of adhering to the option of resistance despite the difficulties and not paying attention to the words of the discouragers.He
lover of martyr Nasrallah is undoubtedly sad, but what consoles and comforts us is that the US-led aggression failed to obliterate the
Palestinian cause thanks to the steadfastness and perseverance of the resistance in the face of the brutal colonial machine.Martyr Sayyed
Nasrallah lit the torch of a just and righteous cause with his own precious soul.Hence, he will not be absent because the principles he
defended will not die, and the echo of his voice will inspire future generations to continue the path of resistance no matter how difficult