Thirty-three civilians from southwestern Russias Kursk region have returned home from Ukraine following negotiations between Moscow and
Kyiv, governmental human rights commissioner Tatyana Moskalkova said Monday.Most of them are elderly, but there are likewise four kids,
Moskalkova composed on Telegram.Many have serious injuries and illnesses.She credited the International Committee of the Red Cross and
Belarus for aiding negotiations and highlighted assistance from Russian government firms and unique services in assisting in the
return.Moskalkova previously accused Ukrainian forces of forcibly moving more than 1,000 Kursk residents because their August attack, which
displaced over 152,000 people.On the 3rd anniversary of Russias intrusion of Ukraine recently, Moskalkova said Moscow had struck a deal with
Kyiv and the Red Cross to leave a concealed variety of Kursk locals from Ukraine through Belarus.Acting Kursk region Governor Alexander
Khinshtein said the youngest evacuee on Monday was under 2 years old, while the earliest was 89
He added that nine of the returnees would be hospitalized, while the rest would reunite with their families in the future Tuesday.A main
missing individuals list compiled by Russian authorities initially recorded around 500 people unaccounted for in the Ukrainian-controlled
location, however local homeowners estimate the number is more detailed to 3,000
Ukraine, which has thousands of its own civilians kept in Russian-occupied territory since the February 2022 intrusion, states it is
supplying safe passage to Russians in the Kursk region.