Russian Authorities Glorify Military Wives and Mothers on Women’s Day

United Russia party and pro-Kremlin activists have been delivering flowers, organizing literary events and visiting military families with
resident of the Murmansk region who lost her son in the war was given a meat grinder for March 8 by the United Russia party.Social mediaIn
high-casualty assaults in Ukraine.After the story went viral in Russian and Ukrainian media, one mother of a deceased soldier recorded a
image of a military wife or mother as the ideal of femininity, gender studies researcher Ella Rossman told The Moscow Times.The United
about a woman from Rostov who signed a military contract and went to war
highlighting women assisting the war effort or fighting on the front lines.After these official celebrations, politicians sometimes invite
the women for tea
for their sons to return home
We congratulate you on this holiday and wish you well
Women give birth to us
Women raise us in kindergartens and schools
Ukraine, said in a video message.Putin meets with Olga Chebnyova, widow of 'Hero of Russia' Sergei Chebnyov.kremlin.ruUnited Russia has even
involved children with disabilities in the celebrations
Elsewhere, gifts included makeup sets or tickets to the philharmonic.In the Moscow region, United Russia organized a makeup seminar for
Ignoring these women is impossible