The Department of Registration of Persons acquired 700,000 polycarbonate cards from Thales for its Electronic National Identity Card (e-NIC)
task to be executed by year-end, leading authorities said.In addition to the 700,000 cards in position, we still require 1.6 million more
Suriyapperuma, director general of, the Department of Registration of Persons informed Biometric Update on Thursday.The brand-new electronic
NICs will include biometrics, as part of the brand-new system
The electronic IDs will include biometric functions such as fingerprint, iris, and face recognition information, for more security and
performance in identification confirmation.Suriyapperuma said currently the Sri Lankan banks are currently accessing their repository and
verifying certain information of clients.The strategy is to incorporate the Sri Lanka Unique Digital ID project with the e-NIC, she
added.e-NICs will designate unique ID numbers, centralize various kinds of IDs, and capture information like birth certificates and tax
Digitisation makes it possible for the collection of information, and data-driven policy initiatives are necessary to drive the ideal
outcomes, Suriyapperuma said.An awareness program was held at the Information and Communication Technology Agency of Sri Lanka (ICTA) in
Colombo just recently, to talk about the e-NIC process and functional aspects.The occasion, under the patronage of Deputy Minister of
Digital Economy, Eranga Weeraratne, intended to resolve crucial difficulties and supply a platform for stakeholders to exchange concepts and
The initiative aims to simplify e-NIC implementation and guarantee a smooth rollout for citizens.Meanwhile, the Registrar Generals
Department plans to finish the digital population pc registry, an electronic database of fundamental details on all Sri Lankan citizens, in
The project intends to create an efficient life occasions registration system, increase info showing government institutions, and make sure
data accuracy.The digital birth certificate will be released for those born after January 21 in Colombo, alongside handwritten birth
The task is backed by the civil registration and essential data project, with the Ministry of Digital Economy, United Nations Development
Programme, and Asian Development Bank as partners.Source: Biometric Update-- Agencies