position that he might become the last in the lineage of Tibetan spiritual leaders
must be born outside China to carry on the traditional mission
China insists only its government possesses the authority to identify and approve the next Dalai Lama.Chinese officials label the current
Tenzin Gyatso, the current Dalai Lama, fled Tibet in 1959 at age 23 following a failed uprising against Communist rule.Dalai Lama Declares
Next Spiritual Leader Will Be Born Outside China
(Photo Internet reproduction)He established a government-in-exile in India, where he continues to live
He relinquished political leadership in 2011 to focus on spiritual duties
Tibetan tradition holds that senior monks reincarnate in children after death.Dalai Lama Reaffirms Tibetan Freedom StruggleThe current Dalai
Beijing fears losing control over this important selection process
His book provides a historical account of his interactions with Chinese leaders from Mao Zedong to Xi Jinping.Last month, Beijing offered to
China demanded he acknowledge Tibet and Taiwan as inseparable parts of China
The Tibetan parliament-in-exile promptly rejected these terms.The spiritual leader plans to share more succession details around his 90th
Despite health concerns following knee surgery last year, he told reporters he expects to live until 110.