[Brazil] - Brazil Energy Prices Triple as New Drought Risk Model Takes Effect

Energy experts report Brazilian electricity prices have surged dramatically in March 2025, more than tripling from February levels
The Price of Settlement of Differences jumped from R$90 per megawatt-hour to over R$300/MWh, now averaging R$350/MWh this week.This price
explosion stems from a new government-implemented methodology that takes a more pessimistic approach to potential drought scenarios
However, Natural Energy Inflow has deteriorated since mid-February, suggesting an early end to the wet season.The surge affects both
regulated and free energy markets
report Brazilian electricity prices have surged dramatically in March 2025, more than tripling from February levels
(Photo Internet reproduction)This situation validates predictions made by Indra Energia CEO Ingrid Santos in February 2024
2025Experts expect the volatility to continue throughout 2025
Regulated market consumers face potential yellow tariff flags in May followed by red flags from July through November.The energy price surge
contributes to broader economic concerns
The bank recently raised its benchmark interest rate to 13.25% and signaled another increase to 14.25% in March.Some analysts forecast