TEHRAN-A Persian translation of Korean author Miye Lees book DallerGut Dream Department Store has actually recently been released by Milkan
Publications in Tehran.The book has actually been equated into Persian by Kimia Fazai
DallerGut Dream Department Store, which is a whimsical department store nestled in a strange town, represents a sanctuary for dreamers
Both people and animals flock to this amazing facility to buy and experience their wildest dreams, each crafted with care and intention.The
store is divided into different floorings, each dedicated to distinct dream experiencesfrom sentimental youth memories and culinary
fantasies to aspirations of popularity and delightfully evasive flying dreams, which are constantly sold out
Some of the visitors seek solace in dreams that reconnect them with lost loved ones.Penny, an eager new staff member, views her task at the
dream department store as an unbelievable opportunity
As she immerses herself in the charming operations of this surreal world, she forges deep connections with a dynamic cast of
characters.Among them is DallerGut, the smart and flamboyant owner who imparts knowledge about the significance of dreams; Babynap Rockabye,
a renowned dream designer whose creations record the essence of pleasure; and Maxim, the mournful problem producer who faces the darker side
of dreaming.Through these relationships, Penny discovers that dreams serve numerous purposeshealing, individual growth, and the growing of
the spirit.The story weaves a rich tapestry of experience and expedition, ultimately imparting a profound message about the importance of
dreams in coping with the obstacles of daily life
DallerGut Dream Department Store is the first book in a fascinating duology, providing readers a magical escape and advising them of the
charm that can be found within their own imaginations.Miye Lee, born in Busan in 1990, finished from Busan National University with a degree
in Materials Science and Engineering
She started her profession as a semiconductor engineer at Samsung Electronics.In 2020, she launched her launching novel, DallerGut Dream
Department Store, which was totally funded through crowdfunding in Korea and received enthusiastic praise
Her most current work is titled Break Room