As global tensions mount due to the United States' escalating tariff war, China has emerged as a pillar of stability
Its 2025 Two Sessions reinforced a commitment to steady governance and strategic foresight, drawing international attention to its policy
consistency.In recent weeks, international media reports and commentary highlighted China's annual political meetings as a window that
showcases its long-term planning and governance & with NBC News highlighting how China appears to be making a "strategic decision to present
itself as a global stalwart amid a world in turmoil."NBC news report underscored that Beijing's stability stems from its policy continuity,
citing its 2025 economic growth target of around five percent & consistent with 2024 & as evidence of long-term economic planning.Meanwhile,
The Economist commented in an article titled "America First is a Contagious Condition" that US President Donald Trump's tariff policies
signal a prioritization of self-interest over global norms.The Jakarta Post published an opinion piece by Indonesian Ambassador to China,
Djauhari Oratmangun, emphasizing China's proactive policymaking amid global uncertainty. He noted that the Two Sessions highlight China's
responsibility as the world's second-largest economy, focusing on strategic foresight and economic resilience."China is charting a course
toward deeper global integration, innovation and sustainable growth & a path where Indonesia stands as a natural partner," Djauhari wrote.He
pointed to China's ongoing efforts to expand high-standard free trade agreements, advance negotiations on the China-ASEAN Free Trade Area
3.0, and push for entry into the Digital Economy Partnership Agreement and the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific
Partnership.A key theme of this year's meetings was technological advancement, with China continuing to invest in cutting-edge fields such
as biotechnology, quantum computing, artificial intelligence (AI) and 6G. The "AI plus" initiative, aimed at integrating AI across
industries, reflects China's drive for innovation-led growth and its ambition for technological self-reliance.Singapore's Channel News Asia
reported that China is leveraging AI and emerging industries to strengthen its global competitiveness.Earlier this year, Chinese AI startup
DeepSeek gained international recognition for its cost-effective and efficient solutions
During the Two Sessions, AI once again took center stage, with the development of general-purpose AI models such as Manus, capable of tasks
ranging from resume screening to stock analysis, showcasing China's rapid advancements in the field.Channel News Asia's report concluded
that China's commitment to advancing quantum technology, 6G and the low-altitude economy is unlocking new potential within its digital
These ambitions are expected to not only drive domestic growth but also solidify China's position in global technological competition.