Lebanese Druze leader Walid Jumblatt has warned Druze communities in Syria to remain vigilant against foreign interference, urging them to
resist attempts to divide the country and manipulate their role in the region.Speaking at a ceremony in Mukhtara marking the 48th
anniversary of his father Kamal Jumblatt's assassination, Jumblatt called on Syrian Druze to uphold their historical resistance and protect
their Arab and Islamic identity, The New Arab reported.Addressing the Druze population in Syria, Jumblatt urged them to defend their shared
struggle with Syrian and Arab citizens against "occupation, colonialism, and mandates imposed on the Golan".He cautioned them to preserve
their Islamic heritage, remain wary of "Zionist infiltration", and ensure that no one among them becomes a tool for the division of
Syria.His remarks follow growing concerns over increased Israeli outreach to Syrian Druze, a move that has sparked criticism from regional
leaders.Jumblatt's speech coincided with his announcement that the annual commemoration of his father's assassination would be
discontinued.He stated that "justice has finally been served, even if it took a long time", referencing the recent arrest of Ibrahim
Huwayja, former Syrian Air Force Intelligence Chief, whom Jumblatt holds responsible for his father's killing.During his speech, Jumblatt
reaffirmed the Progressive Socialist Party's (PSP) commitment to Lebanon's unity and Arab identity.He stressed the need for Israeli forces
to withdraw completely from southern Lebanon, called for the demarcation of Lebanon-Syria maritime and land borders, and urged that
relations between the two countries be rebuilt on new foundations.Jumblatt also criticized a recent visit by a delegation of about 100
Syrian Druze leaders to Israel - the first such visit in 52 years.He dismissed the visit as symbolic, stating that "a visit, religious or
otherwise, will not change the fact of occupation in Palestine and the Golan Heights".