Perus president declared a state of emergency situation in the capital Monday and ordered the release of soldiers to help police address a
surge of violence, amid extensive protest a day after the killing of a popular singer.President Dina Boluartes government released a decree
saying that the state of emergency situation will last 30 days, and authorities will restrict some rights, including the flexibility of
That suggests the cops and the army would have the ability to apprehend people without a judicial order.Peru has actually seen a boost of
killings, violent extortion and attacks on public locations in current months
Police reported 459 killings from Jan
1 to March 16, and 1,909 extortion reports in January alone
Outrage crested after the killing Sunday of Paul Flores, the 39-year-old lead vocalist of the cumbia band Armonia 10
In Congress, opposition legislators asked for a vote of no confidence versus Interior Minister Juan Jos Santivez for what they state is a
lack of a plan to combat rising violence
The vote is expected to be talked about in the Congress plenary later on this week.Flores was shot to death early Sunday when opponents
attacked the bus he and bandmates were taking a trip after a concert in Lima
Cumbia is a Latin music design that people dance to the rhythm of drums, maracas and other instruments.The attack versus the popular
vocalist was not the only violent occasion over the weekend
On Saturday, an item blew up at a dining establishment in the capital, injuring a minimum of 11 people.Boluartes federal government
previously decreed a state of emergency in an attempt to stem the violence in between September and December.Source: AP-- Agencies