Afghanistan has ranked last out of 147 countries in the 2025 edition of the World Happiness Report released Thursday.Published by the
Wellbeing Research Centre at the University of Oxford in partnership with Gallup and the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions
Network, the report evaluates various factors, including health, wealth, freedom, generosity, and freedom from corruption, to measure
overall happiness across societies based on self-reported assessments from 147 countries.Finland has been named the happiest country in the
world for the eighth consecutive year.Denmark, Iceland and Sweden followed Finland in the ranking.According to the new World Happiness
Report, Afghanistan lost approximately 2.7 points from 2013 to 2025.The lowest frequency of positive emotions is in Afghanistan
It also has the most frequent negative emotions.The United States came in 24th place, the lowest position for it in such rankings.The post
Afghanistan ranks last in World Happiness Report first appeared on Ariana News.