‘Witch Hunt’: Why Russia Is Blaming a Closed Ingush Sufi Order for Major Terrorist Acts

In January, Ingushetia natives Ramzan Padiev and Batukhan Tochiev were arrested on charges of murdering Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov,
killed in mid-December 2024 when a bomb went off outside his apartment building in southeastern Moscow
members of the Batal Hajji brotherhood, a closed Sufi Muslim order founded by Ingush Sheikh Batal Hajji Belkhoroev in the 19th
Last year, four members of the brotherhood were arrested on suspicion of selling weapons and ammunition to the perpetrators of the deadly
rights defenders agree that the recent allegations against Batal Hajji members are part of a years-long campaign by Russian security forces
repressions, becoming the sole bearer of the Belkhoroev lineage
Hajji brotherhood often do not identify as Ingush
They would cook separately
brotherhood members - supporters MTChechen-Ingush political analyst Islam Belokiev likened the Ingush order to the Amish, except that the
at a parking lot in a residential neighborhood in Moscow
Hajji order members] were an act of revenge by law enforcement authorities
they had in power
with Kadyrov
subside, especially since Kadyrov himself had intervened on their behalf
secretary for the Chechen Sheikh Mansur Battalion that fights for Kyiv.And the situation for those remaining at home rings close to the fate