five-year-and-three-month prison sentence.The Liberal Party lawmaker and staunch Bolsonaro supporter faces charges related to pursuing
The virtual plenary format has drawn criticism from her defense, who unsuccessfully requested trial delays.The case represents the latest
chapter in escalating tensions between the STF and supporters of former President Jair Bolsonaro
approach.Brazilian Court Tightens Grip on Bolsonaro Allies as Zambelli Faces Prison
This investigation targets alleged disinformation and threats against the court, ensnaring numerous Bolsonaro allies along the way.The
Officials justify these measures as necessary protection for democratic institutions against extremism.Zambelli joins a growing list of
targeted Bolsonaro associates
Former congressman Daniel Silveira received an eight-year sentence in 2022 for threatening STF justices.Brazilian Court Tightens Grip on
opinion shows division, with approximately 20-30% of Brazilians maintaining support for Bolsonaro