Indian fishing boat crew hails ‘Pakistan Zindabad’ after receiving medical aid from Pak Navy

The boat which sailed from Indian port of Colochel had reportedly become non-operational due to loss of engine propulsion in open sea near
Salalah (Oman) for last 8 days with 12 crew members on-board
On receipt of information and request for help from the fishing dhow, Pakistan Navy Ship was promptly dispatched which through its technical
team repaired the boat, removed its defect and made it seaworthy
The rectification of defect required miscellaneous repairs including gearbox removal and re-fixing followed by alignments and repairs
through improvised solutions by technical team on-board the Indian boat.The stranded boat crew was dehydrated and also required medical care
and edibles
Pakistan Navy Ship rescue team provided it the necessary edibles and medical care
The master and crew of the stranded boat thanked Pak Navy for its kind gesture and swift response, by hailing 'Pakistan Zindabad' (Long live
Pakistan), and thereafter shaped course to Indian port.